Clóenfherta, Tara (Turntable Movvie)

Metadata Information
Appellation Clóenfherta, Tara (Turntable Movvie)
Address Unnamed Road, Meath, Ireland
Coordinates (Lat, Lon) (53.582840 , -6.615926)
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The shape of the monuments known as the Clóenfherta, the ‘Sloping Trenches’, gave rise to a number of early tales. They were regarded as the remnants of the royal residence which collapsed when the king of Tara, Lugaid mac Con gave a false judgement. A second explanation for the shape of the monument is that it was the burial place of thirty princesses from Leinster slain by the king of Tara in revenge for the actions of the king of Leinster. These two monuments are ring-barrows that have been built on the edge of the steeply sloping Western flank of the hill. In spite of the difficulty of digging a bank and ditch on so steep a gradient, both form complete circles and this supports the view that it was important to complete the circuit to comply with ritual convention. At over 80m in diameter, the northern site is by far the largest barrow at Tara. A hole was dug into the central mound, possibly by treasure hunters. The keen observer can make out the remains of a smaller barrow incorporated into the bank at the north side of the site. The southern of the Clóenfherta is about 48m in diameter. There is a small mound on top of the main mound. There are three further mounds tucked in between the northern and southern Clóenfherta and these too are probably burial monuments. South of this and along the crest of the ridge the remains of up to eight small, low barrows without banks can be identified. SMR No ME031-033026- ME031-033027- ME031-033028- ME031-033029- ME031-033030- ME031-033031- ME031-033032- ME031-033033- ME031-033034- ME031-033035- ME031-033036- ME031-033037- ME031-033038- ME031-033039- ME031-033040- ME031-033050- ME031-033077-
Metadata Information
Source The Discovery Programme
Contacts Mr Anthony Corns Technology Manager The Discovery Programme
63 Merrion Square Dublin D2 Dublin Ireland
+353 1 639 3039 +353 1 639 3710
Copyright Credit Line Copyright © The Discovery Programme
Europeana Rights Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA)
Spatial Clóenfherta, Tara The Sloping Trenches, Tara
Casteltown Tara County Meath Ireland
Protection Type National Monuments in State Care
Start Date Uncertain
End Date Uncertain
Period Name Uncertain
Materials Earth
Heritage Asset Type Barrow - bowl-barrow, Barrow - ring-barrow, Ring-ditch, mound
Metadata Information
Name Turntable video Clóenfherta 3D model, Tara
Description Turntable video Clóenfherta 3D model, Hill of Tara, County Meath, Ireland
Type Movie
Format mov
Copyrights Copyright ©The Discovery Programme Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)
Landing Page
Metadata Information
Name FLI-Map 400 Lidar Survey of the Hill of Tara
Description FLI-MAP 400; an aerial LiDAR survey system, was initially designed to survey infrastructural assets such as roads, railways and electricity supply networks. The sensor system mounted beneath the main helicopter fuselage consists of: Three 150 kHz LiDAR sensors (7◦ forward, nadir and 7◦ aft); Scanning angle 60◦ Accuracy (relative) Horizontal 5 cm, Vertical 3 cm Multiple returns 4 Two RTK GPS receivers – provide accurate location in used in conjunction with RTK base stations; Inertial Navigation System (INS)- continuously track the position, orientation, and velocity of the helicopter; Digital imaging (11 megapixel) and digital video capture. Resulting data sets include first return (DSM) and last return point (DTM, basre earth) models
Purpose Remote Sensing
Techinques Lidar survey
Equipment FLI-MAP 400 Lidar system
Actor BKS Fugro, Organisation, Data Capture