Sphinx - 3D

Metadata Information
Appellation Sphinx - 3D
Address Strada Provinciale 107, Montalto Di Castro, Italy
Coordinates (Lat, Lon) (42.424795 , 11.631042)
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Scultura in nenfro raffigurante una Sfinge, con testa di donna, corpo di leone, coda di serpente e ali d'aquila. Priva delle zampe anteriori. Provenienza: tomba della Sfinge, Vulci (VT).
Metadata Information
Source FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Contacts Fabio RemondinoFBK - Fondazione Bruno KesslerUnità di ricerca 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) http://3dom.fbk.eu/en/home3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) Unit http://3dom.fbk.eu/en/home
Copyright Credit Line Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici Etruria Meridionale. Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Vulci al Castello dalla Badia. 3D-ICONS. FBK-3DOM
Europeana Rights Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)
Start Date 600 BC
End Date 501 BC
Period Name Età etrusca arcaica
Materials Pietra (Nenfro)
Provenace Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici Etruria Meridionale.
Heritage Asset Type Statue
Metadata Information
Name Sphinx - 3D model LowRes
Description Low resolution 3D polygonal model with external texture for education and general public. Number of triangles: 250000. Mesh spatial resolution: 2.5mm.
Type 3D
Format OBJ
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Metadata Information
Name Sphinx - 3D model HighRes
Description High resolution 3D polygonal model with external texture for researches. Number of triangles: 2000000. Mesh spatial resolution: 1mm.
Type 3D
Format OBJ
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Metadata Information
Name Modelling and digitization process - Sphinx HighRes
Description In-house developed algorithms combined with commercial packages were used to generate a dense point cloud. The obtained dense point cloud was triangulated to derive a mesh model and finally a high resolution texture was generated.
Purpose For research
Metadata Information
Name Modelling and digitization process - Sphinx LowRes
Description Reduction of high resolution model
Purpose For education and general public
Metadata Information
Name Photogrammetric survey - Sphinx
Description The images were acquired, using Nikon D3X (pixel size of 0.00595 mm), with a 18-35 mm lens and a 50 mm lens. The images were taken obtaining a GSD of about 0.2 mm.
Equipment DSLR Camera Nikon D3X,Lens Nikkor 18-35mm,Lens Nikkor 50mm