Bronzetto di guerriero o Marte - Image

Metadata Information
Appellation Bronzetto di guerriero o Marte - Image
Address Trento, Trent, Italy
Coordinates (Lat, Lon) (46.07108 , 11.12698)
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Il guerriero e' rappresentato accuratamente con corazza, elmo crestato e schinieri. La mano sinistra e' protesa in avanti e doveva reggere lo scudo o la lancia, assenti, mentre la destra e' appoggiata al finaco sull'impugnatura di un elemento non chiaramente riconoscibile, forse la spada. Parte integrante della figura e' il piedistallo discoidale che riporta una iscrizione in alfabeto retico.
Metadata Information
Source FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Contacts Fabio RemondinoFBK - Fondazione Bruno KesslerUnità di ricerca 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) Optical Metrology (3DOM) Unit
Copyright Credit Line Castello del Buonconsiglio, monumenti e collezioni provinciali. 3D-ICONS. FBK-3DOM
Europeana Rights Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)
Start Date 500 BC
End Date 401 BC
Period Name Second Iron Age
Materials Bronze
Provenace Castello del Buonconsiglio. Monumenti e collezioni provinciali. Provincia autonoma di Trento
Heritage Asset Type Statue
Metadata Information
Name Bronze warrior - Image 1
Description Resolution [pixel]: 6048x4032. Camera model: NIKON D3X. ISO: 400. Aperture Value: f16. Exposure time [s]: 5. Focal length [mm]: 105.
Type Image
Format jpg
Landing Page
Metadata Information
Name Bronze warrior - Image 2
Description Resolution [pixel]: 6048x4032. Camera model: NIKON D3X. ISO: 400. Aperture Value: f16. Exposure time [s]: 5. Focal length [mm]: 105.
Type Image
Format jpg
Landing Page
Metadata Information
Name Bronze warrior - Image 3
Description Resolution [pixel]: 6048x4032. Camera model: NIKON D3X. ISO: 400. Aperture Value: f16. Exposure time [s]: 5. Focal length [mm]: 105.
Type Image
Format jpg
Landing Page
Metadata Information
Name Photogrammetric survey - Bronze warrior
Description 35 photos were acquired, using 24 Megapixel Nikon D3X full frame camera (pixel size of 0.00595 mm), with a 105 mm macro lens. The images were taken from a distance of approximately 63 cm from the object, obtaining a GSD less than 0.04 mm. To avoid specular highlight that can compromise the photogrammetric process and produce a not faithful texture, some cold lamps were used and circular polarized filters were applied to camera lens and lamps.
Equipment Lens Kino 105 mm macro,DSLR Camera Nikon D3X